Saturday, April 29, 2023


In honor of those who left home and loved ones to defend them against the threat of communism and despotism.  


Monday, April 17, 2023

Meanwhile in Canada...

Proof that Joshes and Macs are also in Canada 😆

I guess it's an inside-joke...


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Seon's Random Tidbit #1

 This is pretty awesome!! Historically accurate Disney princesses...

Warning: Pocahontas is not dressed very decently... 🤨


Sunday, April 9, 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Snapshot of History #1

 This has got to be one of the most heart-breaking pictures I've ever seen. This is the aftermath of one of the battles in the North African Campaign of World War II. A dead soldier, holding a photograph of his baby. 

May we never forget what those of yesterday suffered and sacrificed so that we of today can live in peace and freedom.


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Introducing New Authors!!

“In imagination she sailed over storied seas that wash the distant shining shores of "faëry lands forlorn," where lost Atlantis and Elysium lie, with the evening star for pilot, to the land of Heart's Desire. And she was richer in those dreams than in realities; for things seen pass away, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

~Lucy Maud Montgomery

Hello, Kindreds!!

My little blog world is slowly but surely growing and that is something to celebrate indeed!! First to announce a few changes around here. I'm going from solo to trio... I've invited my two besties onto the blog to co-write with me. Emily Not Starr (Emi) and Seonaid (Seon), both of whom are delightful friends and firm members of the Race That Knows Joseph. They have both introduced themselves below, so please, get to know them and I hope you find them as much fun as I do!

Also, from now on, we will be posting triple movie reviews on a regular basis. Most of these will be period dramas, but we may sneak a few other genres in from time to time, if Seon has anything to do with it. 😁 Anyway. I shall now stop talking and turn this post over to the new writers.

Hullo, all you lovely people!!

The time has come, so they tell me, for introductions to be conducted. More specifically, for Blog Authors to be made known to the faithful readers thereof.... And so here I am, fledgling though I be🙃 I'm Emily, by the way. Well, technically I’m Emily Not Starr, but seeing as that's mainly to prevent my being mistaken for the Original, most folks call me Emi (: Feel free to uphold the custom, we're rather fond of nicknames 'round here!

So. Some of you mayyy possibly already have a slight bit of an inkling of who I am/what I'm like already, especially if you've been following Juliette for awhile.... Because, whilst this is officially my first time in this side of things, (This fact brings with it both great anticipation n a wee small bit of trepidation😄) I've been delightedly keeping up with her blog journey for quite some time now, and the words do tend to flow in the comments! 

But if, on the other hand, (and this is far more likely😜) you haven't the foggiest notion of who I might be, or what I'm talking about.... I am hereby writing myself up, especially for your benefit! Only it is such a pity that all interesting facts about me tend to flee in terror the instant I need them.... I hereby give you fair warning, the following may not be exactly Murray-ish! That can happen, you know, when a person is Not.... 

Essentially, basically, and foremostly, I suppose I’m an Anneite! Although Montgomerian may be more accurate, come to think of it, and all-around-bookworm more accurate still.... Prone to attacks of whimsy and rambling-fever in the pen-and-ink department, I happen to be a decidedly old-fashioned kind of a girl. You know, the type that insists they were born in the wrong century, goes around being fascinatedly enamoured with the ways of past days, and has read everything L. M. Montgomery ever wrote at least a dozen times.... You'll find me blithely meandering down Yesterday Road every chance I get, merrily scribbling nonsense in my Jimmy-Book all the while! Only unlike Julie and Seon, my scribbles result in neither novels nor fan fiction, but rather independent, miscellaneous creatures that insist on being their own selves, and nothing but. Why I'm hoping that "As iron sharpens iron" also applies to the art of word-weavery (; 

See, I told you I ramble! And I'm not entirely sure what else to say here, so if there's something of extreme importance I have left out, you shall simply have to come look me up in my corner of the kingdom and tell me! I mean, on my page. Which does not presently exist, because I'm being a colossal slowpoke getting it up.... So don't go looking for it just yet! But soon, hopefully. 

On a different note, Julie asked that we each choose a period-drama/classical literature quote and character that we relate to.... And I expected that to be a fairly easy thing to do, seeing as I'm forever finding aspects of myself in the inhabitants of the land o' literature. Turns out it wasn’t after all! But nevertheless, I've finally decided, and settled on none other than Jane Stuart. Jane Of Lantern Hill, that is. Adding definite traces of Emily to the picture, of course.... And as for the quote;

"Lovely thoughts came flying to meet me like birds. They weren't my thoughts-I couldn't think anything half so exquisite. They came from somewhere."  

~Emily Byrd Starr

Now, I had every intention of making this a nice, chummy little "do let's be friends" note of an introduction. Preferably summed neatly up in two or three Montgomerian paragraphs. But my notes have such a habit of turning into full fledged letters when I'm not looking.... (I'm trying to cure them of it, but it seems to be very uphill work!) So here we are. And here too shall I bid thee adieu, lest this grow longer still😜

"Goodbye, and may you always see a happy face in your looking-glass!"


Hello, friends and followers of Juliette!

It is me. Seonaid. But you can call me Seon. Perhaps you remember me (from the few random Atlantis posts I put on Julie's main blog or otherwise from the Official Spider-Man Page, which is owned by me.) The Spider-Man page is the only thing I truly own on here. The rest I just steal. 😁

So. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the oddball here... the quirky Spidey-fangirl who dabbles in sci-fi, whose favorite period-drama genre is war films, and who writes pretty much nothing but fanfiction. Spidey fanfiction, that is. And let me just say here that Tobey Maguire is the one true Spider-Man. Andrew Garfield is Desmond Doss and Tom Holland is... what can I say? Tom is adorable. But not the real Spider-Man. 

All that aside, I must say that I do love period drama, just enough for Julie to allow me on the blog. Anne of Green Gables is lovely. (Sullivan films, of course, people!! Other versions we shall not discuss. They are not worthy of Anne.) So I am a true Anne-fan and, I believe, of the Race That Knows Joseph. Next to Spider-Man, I have to label AOGG and its sequel as my favorite films. I also adore Hacksaw Ridge and Unbroken (and sequel) among my favorites. Jane Austen is... well, it's good, but I could do without, I guess. Don't kill me people, it's just not really my cup of tea. Yes, pun intended 😁

And oh boy, do I love to read!! I've always thrilled to this quote from Beauty and the Beast (no, this isn't my main quote, Julie) but isn't this just the definition of a dream come to life???

"Scads of books. Mountains of books. Forests of books. Cascades. Cloudbursts. Swamps of books. More books than you'll ever be able to read in a lifetime."

When it comes to reading, my tastes are as diverse as in everything. Classic-wise, my favorites are Robert Louis Stevenson, Baroness Orczy, and Arthur Conan Doyle. Oh yes, I can be very sophisticated when I want to be 😁 But anything with drama, action, adventure, mystery, conflict, near-tragedy at times, romance that sweeps you off your feet (and with Spider-Man, that's literal!) But yeah. That's me 😁

Julie asked us to compare ourselves to a period drama/classical literature character. And at first I desperately wanted to compare myself to the incredible Mary Jane Watson, one of my all-time favorite characters ever. But... what can I do? I simply do not compare. I am not fabulous, nor do I have red hair (sadly), nor *sobs quietly* am I married to Peter Parker. *sobs audibly* In light of that fact (and also the fact that MJ is not truly period drama/classic literature, I must compare myself to the indomitable Jo March.

What can I say?? I love drama and the sensational. That's just me. I'm also a bit of a tomboy and pretty crazy to boot. Very Jo-like. Julie and Emi can definitely testify to that fact. I'd be surprised if I didn't get on their nerves from time to time. Or maybe all the time. I don't know. And as for my quote...

"A quick temper, sharp tongue, and restless spirit were always getting her into scrapes, and her life was a series of ups and downs, which were both comic and pathetic.”

~Louisa May Alcott

(Speaking of Jo, of course)

Welp. That's pretty much all. So. Check out my Spidey page. And read the fanfiction. It's pretty fun, if I do say so myself, but prepare yourself for plenty of drama and sensation and whump. 

Adios Amigos!!

And never forget *assumes deep, serious voice* With great power, comes great responsibility!


And it's back to me again! I had intended to do a full-blown introduction all over again, but I shall spare you the redundancy 😁 Suffice it to say that I am, as you probably already know, a long-time fanatic where history, classic literature, and period dramas are involved. 

As I often introduce myself, "I'm a teacher. No, a writer. Actually, I write books." And I shall here and now say that the characters I most identify with are Anne Shirley and Emily Starr. With splashes of both Jo and Meg March. And here I go copying the others 😆 But we are all Montgomery (and Alcott) fans here and those of The Race That Knows Joseph must also identify with those of The Race That Knows Joseph.

"Even when I'm alone I have real good company--dreams and imaginations and pretendings. I like to be alone, now and then, just to think over things and taste them. But I love friendships--and nice, jolly little times with people."

~Anne Shirley

Hope you enjoyed meeting our new writers!! And we are all enthusiastically looking forward to an awful lot of good fun... just reading and writing and watching and discussing our favorite things. Have lovely days, all of you, and don't forget to take time to spend with everything you love!!

Till The Next Adventure!!

~Juliette, Emi, and Seon