At The Heart of the Storm


At The Heart of the Storm

The  Story of Rachel  Stewart

If you've read A Time of War and A Time of Peace, then you know Ronnie Stewart, and have heard the story of how he found a Jewish widow and her child starving and freezing to death i n an abandoned barn in Belgium, during the Battle of the Bulge. But Rachel has a story that goes back years before Ronnie found her... a story of sorrow and broken hopes and shattered dreams... and of miracles and answered prayers just at the last moment, when she thought she could go no further.

Dedicated to the people of God who suffered during the tragedy of the Holocaust, and to those who dared to help them. 

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five


Rachel Adler Cohen

Isaac Cohen

Benjamin (Benjie) Cohen

Rebekah (Bekah) Adler

Rishona (Shonie) Adler

Ronald (Ronnie) Aaron Stewart

John (Jack/Sandy) Marshall

Samuel (Sam/Carrots) Ross

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