Boldly Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-One

Straight and True

The one coherent thought Lorna could remember from that wild run from the school was that she wished desperately that she had wings. Her thoughts were a confused jumble and she simply couldn't think clearly. It was as if the horror of what was about to take place nearly completely paralyzed her. And… when she reached the green… it did paralyze her.

She never knew what came over her. But it was a strange and terrible thing. It was just as the day when she stood outside her home and watched it crumble into flames… with Da and Robbie inside. A feeling of helpless fear… icy and painful.

A crowd had gathered on the green but she scarcely noticed them aside from feeling that she hated them all bitterly. Here they were… a hundred people it seemed to her, although it was less than fifty… standing there idly as if they didn't care what was going to happen. She pressed through to the front and then froze. It was as if she was rooted to the spot. She couldn't move or speak… just watched in horrified silence. Not far from her stood Deputy Adams, rifle in hand, watching coldly as Grant brought the prisoner out. It was an unofficial hanging… no scaffold was built. Jason was on horseback, hands bound behind his back, with his head held high. They led the horse beneath the tree where the rope was swinging. Lorna pressed a hand to her stomach, feeling as if she would collapse.

Jason turned his head suddenly, meeting the deputy's eyes and a look of astonishment swept over his face.

"Lee Ryder!"

The deputy didn't respond but fingered his rifle as if having second thoughts on the mode of execution. Lorna scarcely noticed the brief exchange that followed… she felt as if she was suffocating. But Jason was yelling now.

"Thought you could put one over on me, didn't ya? Well, I guess ya did. You've won now, you've all won. Tell Slade that. Good job, Ryder." He stopped as Grant slipped the noose over his head. And still Lorna didn't move. Jason hadn't seen her and she was suddenly glad that he didn't know she was there. Jason made no effort to explain his words and the onlookers were discussing it in whispers… dismissing it as the frantic, deranged last words of a doomed man.

"Last words?" Grant said briefly as he took the horse by the bridle. The crowd was silent suddenly, not even seeming to breath.

"Yes." Jason answered quietly. "Tell Lorna I love her... more than anything."

At that moment, the deputy nodded to Grant and he ran forward, leading the horse from beneath the tree… Lorna heard someone screaming and then realized that it was her.

It happened in a flash… all at once Lorna felt that she could move again. But she didn't even think… just flew into action. Running forward, she wrenched the rifle from the deputy's hands and raised it, aiming for the taut rope.

"Straight and true," she whispered between clenched teeth as she pulled the trigger. The gunshot went off… louder than a clap of thunder… and the crowd gasped. The rope snapped and Jason fell to the ground. Lorna didn't even pause as she ran forward and threw herself over him, shielding him with her body. Already the deputy and his men were running forward and Lorna raised the rifle again. By now her hands and voice were steady and her green eyes flaming with rage.

"Stay back!" she cried, pointing the rifle straight at the deputy's heart. "Dinna come a step closer. Ye ken how well I can shoot now an' I'm warning ye… I'm not afraid t' use this."

The deputy leered at her and, in a flash, yanked his pistol from his belt. But Lorna saw it coming and again pulled the trigger… shooting his gun hand. With a cry of rage and pain, the deputy clutched his bleeding hand and glared murderous hatred. But neither he nor any of his men dared another move.

"I need a doctor!" Lorna cried desperately. "Someone… help!" Someone moved forward and she realized with a feeling of relief that it was Josh Danby. Others followed and they seized Deputy Adams and his men, feeling that something was terribly wrong. The deputy cursed enough for ten men, threatening to bring the law on them for daring to defy authority. But they ignored him.

"There's more going on here than meets the eye," Josh Danby was saying. "And we aim to find out what it is. Not saying ya've done anything wrong, but we're not takin' chances. We're going to demand justice in this town."

By this time the doctor had been found and was hurrying forward. Josh Danby had taken the rifle from Lorna's hands and stood by her as she turned her attention to Jason. He was unconscious and she suddenly could hold her tears back no longer. She wept brokenly, unashamedly, as she lifted his head and pulled the rope away. The doctor was kneeling at his side now, bending his head to Jason's chest while Lorna waited in tortured silence.

"He's alive," the doctor announced at last, lifting his head. "But no telling what side effects could possibly occur from such a… situation."

Lorna nodded as she bent lower over him, holding him close as if to ward off all dangers. The crowd was surrounding them by now, but silent, hardly knowing what to do.

"I want a trial… a fair trial," Lorna said firmly, not looking up at the bewildered faces around her. "An' not until Hank Mulligan returns."

"He's back now," someone cried as the crowd parted and Hank pressed through, dropping to his knees by Lorna's side.

"What happened?" Lorna found she couldn't answer. Nor did she have to, for Josh was even now explaining.

"Jason?" Lorna whispered. "Jason… can ye hear me? Jason… please… can ye hear me?" Her voice grew louder, her words ending in a sob. "Jason… I love ye, I love ye! I'm sorry… I'm so sorry." Burying her face in his shoulder, she sobbed as if her heart would break.

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