Boldly Chapter Twenty-Three

 Chapter Twenty-Three

Something Beautiful

"But ye canna go!" Lorna cried in desperation. "Ye almost died yesterday. How can ye even… ride after somethin' like that? An' ye're leavin' t' go track down a criminal? Th' criminal that almost had ye killed?"

"I have to go. I feel… alright." but he grimaced as he said it and Lorna shook her head, unconvinced. "I know where Slade's hideouts are…" he continued. "I'm pretty sure I can find him. They're depending on me. And do ya realize that if he isn't stopped, then we'll never be safe? He might even target you, seeing as ya foiled his plans." He paused, then continued with a teasing grin. "Aren't ya the one who told me dinna fash? It's your turn now, Lorna. Dinna fash, I ken how to do this. Just watch."

"Are you ready?" The sheriff snapped his rifle open, slipping cartridges inside. The group of men he had managed to recruit was mounted and prepared to ride, rifles and pistols at the ready. Hank turned back, tipping his hat to Lorna with a smile as she stood rooted to the ground, biting her lip.

"Don't ya worry, Lorna. I'll make sure he doesn't go and get himself killed."

Lorna smiled wanly, clenching her fists at her sides as she watched the posse ride off in a cloud of dust. She was never one to eat her words. But now there was an exception… the fact that she had found she did love Jason after all. She had eaten her words bitterly then. And he still didn't know it. He had been unconscious when she told him so… and she somehow couldn't find the right time… or perhaps the right courage… to tell him again. And perhaps that was why he kept his distance now.


The posse wasn't gone longer than a couple of days. They came riding into town late one afternoon just as Lorna was closing up the schoolhouse… tired, dusty, and yet triumphant. The last of Slade's outfit had been captured… including the outlaw himself.

"Where's Jason?" Lorna ran to meet the posse, her heart beating wildly as she scanned the faces and found the one she was looking for absent.

"He broke off soon as we reached his land," the sheriff answered, smiling reassuringly as he noted her pale face. "Said he needed to jes' get home. And I don't blame him. He's been through a lot these past couple days! Sure is good he came along though. If he hadn't been pardoned before, he sure would be now!"

"What do you mean?" Lorna frowned.

"He's a hero now," the sheriff laughed. "We 'bout gave Slade up for sure… but Jason found his hideout. We nabbed the other three, but Slade got away on horseback. Jason chased him down for almost a mile… jumped from his horse to Slade's before he could get the horse stopped. Hey, where're ya goin'?"

"There's something I need to do," Lorna called back as she hurried down the street towards Mrs. Sullivan's.


The vibrant colors of autumn were just beginning to fade… going from vivid reds, oranges and yellows to subtle browns. But the evergreens were as lush and green as always. The wind was blowing wildly that day, with a cold and cutting chill suggestive of coming winter but the meadow was sheltered by the hills. Silent sentinels guarding the little spot that Lorna firmly believed to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. The very sight of it brought a feeling of peace and calm over her considerably rumpled spirit.

"I thought I'd find ye here," she murmured as she rode into the meadow. Jason was there alone, his horse grazing idly a few feet distant. He smiled when he saw her, but didn't answer. "I love this place," she continued as he helped her dismount. "I feel at home here."

"It is beautiful, isn't it?"

That was all either of them said for a long time. Both lapsed into complete silence, simply taking in the beauty around them. Listening to the symphony that was the Dakota wilderness. The wind through the pine trees… the songs of the birds… the silent harmony of the endless blue sky.

"Have ye ever heard," Lorna said at last in a hushed voice, as if afraid to stir the beauty of the silence. "That if ye can sit in silence wi' someone… then ye aire truly good friends?"

Jason didn't answer and for one dreadful moment Lorna wished she hadn't said anything. But then he turned to her with such a look of longing in his blue eyes that she felt her heart nearly stop beating.

"Lorna," his voice was so quiet she could barely hear him. "I… I promised myself that I'd never talk about this again. But… I can't. I…" he sighed and shook his head. "Lorna, I'd rather have died than… face a life without you."

"Me too," Lorna whispered.

"What?" Jason stared at her suddenly in disbelief.

"Did ye no wonder why I saved yer life? It's because I… I'd rather ha' died than face a life without ye."

"Lorna you… you mean…"

"I love ye." She suddenly felt like… like laughing and crying at the same time. Which is exactly what she did. "Aye, Jason McCulloch," she repeated, feeling wildly hysterical. "I love ye." He stood still, as if stunned, still not saying a word. So she continued. "I… I would ask ye t' marry me but… I dinna think that would be seemly. So I… I'm askin' ye t' ask me again. Will ye, Jason?"

But he didn't. He just stepped forward and swept her off the ground, spinning her in the air until she was breathless. And suddenly she found herself in his arms, heart pressed against heart… and he was laughing too.

"Lorna… Lorna, leannan… you've made me the happiest man on earth."

"Then that makes me the happiest woman on earth," Lorna whispered back.

"Ya know what I'm gonna do?" Jason answered unexpectedly and she looked up at him.


"I'm gonna build ya a house right here… in this meadow. A stone house."

Lorna caught her breath and her eyes shone.

"Then you can see this beauty always… right out your windows. And you'll be close to Ilse… you two can run back an' forth between houses an' do… whatever it is you do," he finished, grinning.

Lorna smiled and reached up, brushing her fingers against the scar that the rope had left on his neck.

"T' think I almost lost ye… That really was th' moment I realized I loved ye."

"Then I'll forever be grateful to Slade," he laughed. "Never thought I'd see the day when he'd do me some good."

"It wasna Slade," Lorna answered, laughing also. "It was God… bringing somethin' beautiful out o' somethin' terrible. As He always has an' always will."

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