Sherwood Tales

 Hello all! Or should I say Oodelally? If you've read my profile, then you know that I was completely obsessed with the Disney cartoon Robin Hood from as early as I can possibly remember to about ten, when I promptly fell in love with the prince from Beauty and the Beast, LOL. But that's a completely different story. Anyway, yes, I was in love with a cartoon fox for approximately six or so years of my life. Robin Hood, by the way, is still my all-time favorite Disney film (and that's saying a lot). And, aside from cartoon foxes, the legendary Robin Hood of history is one of my heroes. Always has been, always will.

Anyway, years and years ago, when I was seven or eight, can't remember which, I got a little diary for Christmas and promptly decided to become an author. I came up with a pen name (Julia B. Carver. Don't ask me why... I guess I thought it sounded professional) and began to write my first-ever stories...Robin Hood stories. Because why not? That was at the peak of my obsession. And yes, I dreamed about being Maid Marian and marrying Robin Hood. Oh, he's sooo handsome! Just like his reward posters!

So, if you think you can handle eight-year old fandom, pray continue, at your own risk. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are all original. Enjoy! (And let me know your thoughts, be they good or bad, LOL)

Robin Hood 2#

Once upon a time, Robin Hood was walking along a path in Sherwood Forest when he met a poor Rabbit Lady. She was crying.

"Why are you crying?" asked Robin Hood.

"Because I am very sad; the king has told us to pay all the mony in the town. If we cannot pay the tax, we will be thrown in prison. And we have not one cent! We need you!"

"I can help you, I have a plan." said Robin Hood.

"Thankyou." said the Rabbit, and she hurried away. Robin Hood hurried back to his camp with the news.

"We have to help those poor people."

"But how are we going to do it?" asked Little John.

"I have a plan." said Robin Hood.

"What is your plan?" asked Friar Tuck.

"You'll see." Robin Hood smiled.

At about 9:00 the next night, Robin Hood and his Merry Men, began to get ready. Then they qiuetly went to Prince John's palace. Robin Hood went into the palace, and got all the bags of money he could find. the next morning, Robin Hood gave bags to all the people in Nottingham. Now the people could pay the tax! Hurrah for Robin Hood! He had saved the day again!

Notes: This was intended to be the original sequel to the Disney film. Didn't know there was a sequel, did ya? Oh yes, and I coined a catch phrase for Robin Hood. "I have a plan". I thought that was so cool. And I apparently didn't understand the purpose of a semicolon at this point in my life. By the way, the theft happened at 9:00 at night, because that was the latest possible time I could imagine. Because I go to bed at eight, then so must everyone else, right? I didn't realize in the movie that the great escape happened around three in the morning. I thought it was nine then, too.

Robin Hood Starts Baking

One day Robin Hood was hunting, when little John came running after him and calling his name. When he caught his breath, Robin Hood asked "What is the matter?"

"The king is going to tax the people again and nobody knows what to do!" replied little John. Robin thought a while.

"Calm down; I have a plan." said Robin Hood. The next day at 4:00 p.m. Robin Hood went to every house in the village. "Bake as many cakes as you can, and put your mony in it!" said Robin Hood.

The people baked cakes and put their money in them. Then the prince came! he stopped at every house and tried to find bags of money but he coudl'nt because Robin Hood had tricked him again.

Prince John and the Tigers

One day, Robin Hood heard that the prince was going to tax the people again. So he made a tiger costume, and put it on. Then he told the Merry Men to make costumes and put them on. Then they waited. Finally, it was time. They went to Prince John's Palace. The prince was just leaving. Robin Hood gave the signal. They all jumped at the king and groweld. the king screamed, and ran back to the palace, leaving the tigers laughing.

Notes: My first attempt at humor. My mom laughed... and I was so pleased.

Robin Hood Gets Trapped

Not only did Robin Hood save the people, but he was also running from the king. One day he got trapped trieing to help a poor pig family. Now that is enough of an Indrodution. It is time for the story.

One day Robin Hood, heard about a poor pig family. the father was in jail, because he could not pay the tax, that the king told him to. Robin Hood wanted to help the family so that night he went to the pigs house. he had forgotten to where a duisguise, so UH-OH!

the next morning Maid Marian came. She had come to warn Robin Hood that the king was coming. But she was too late! as soon as Robin Hood opened the door too leave the king came in!

Maid Marianan and the pigs wached in horror as the king grabbed Robin Hood and tied him behind his wagon.

For the procesion to get back to the castle, they had to go threw sherwood forest. the king was a little worried, but he thought it would be allright. He had forgotten about M.M.

Meenwhile, M.M. was running through the forest. then she came to a pond. "Oh-No! I do not rember how Robin Hood taught me how to swim!" she thougt. finally she rembered. she jumped in and swam too the other shore. she ran quickly to Robin's camp; and told his merry men. then Friar Tuck borrowed a cow.

Then Little John Dressed up as a farmer, and they waited. Finnally the king's wagon passed by. Quickley little John put his cow on the path in front of the kings wagon. He gave the signal. The other Merry Men went behind the wagon. Once they were behind the wagon, they cut Robin Hood Free. The king was F-U-R-I-O-U-S!

Robin Hood knew it. he quickly ran away. The king quickley went after him. the wagon, was to slow. So the king, got out, and started to run. he fell in the same pond, that M.M. swam across. He went home, soaking wet, and decided to stay in the wagon the next time.

Notes: This was my big epic. I wrote it in a fervor of inspiration, at the kitchen table, while my mom looked over my shoulder occasionally, in shock. She was especially thrilled with the introduction. But I remember her being a little annoyed with my spelling. It wasn't usually that bad. I told her it was because I was too caught up in the thrill of the moment to worry about things like that. I had never experienced such pride as I did when I finished that story. It was the first time I truly felt like an author. And I couldn't sleep that night...

The King's Revenge p.1

One pleasent day in Sherwood forest, Robin Hood sat on a stump, humming his favorite song. Little John sudenlly ran up to him. He was out of breath, and looked terrified!

"Oh Robin! YOu must do something! he said. "The king has captured Maid Marien, And she is locked in the windowless tower room of the castle!"

Without answering, Robin ran to the disguse chest. Quickly he pulled the oufit of a knight out, and put it on. He raced toward the palace, and went inside. He asked the king what he was going to do with the "Maiden", in the tower. The king answerd "When she calms down, and stops criing about her "darling" Robin Hood, I will marry her, because I love her."

"But if you love her you wouldn't lock her up, would you?" Robin Hood asked.

"She is too crazy now. She will run away, if I do not give her time to forget Robin Hood."

Robin Hood asked if he could see her on her wedding day. The king said he could. Just as Robin Hood was leaving, a letter (a peice of paper) came floating down from the tower, where 2 bricks had fallen down. The letter was adressed too Robin Hood. As Robin Hood looked up, He saw M.M.! The letter was this:

Dear Robin,

I do not want to marry the awful, awful, horrid, very, very, wicked king. Please save me.

Love, M.M.

A moment with Robin Hood:

If you were Robin Hood what would you feel like?

Notes: This was my first attempt at a romantic epic. Don't laugh, please. I was all in flutters when I wrote it.

The King's Revenge p.2

On March 16, the wedding day, the king was very busy. He had a list that looked like this:

-Pick up wedding dress.

-Queen everyday dress's.

-Wedding cake.

-$1,000 for wedding pressent.

-Ask sheriff gather people, and prepare wedding hall.

-Unlock tower.

Then everybody came. Robin Hood and little John were there. (They were disguised.) As soon as Friar Tuck stomped up to the platform, Robin Hood jumped up, and took M. M. to Sherwood forest. That night, there was a big feast.

But what about the king? See: The King's Revenge Part 3. Robin Hood can't wait! Hurry up!

The King's Revenge pt.3

Now the king was raging mad. He sent out all his guards to surround Sherwood Forest. He knew Robin Hood was responsible for all this and he would pay. For days they searched for him.

One day Robin Hood and M.M. went for a walk. They walked right into the king's trap! When the guards took them back to the king, the king locked them up in seperate towers.

But Robin Hood was ready. He climbed down the tower wall. Then he signaled M.M. to jump and he caught her. Then they ran.

What will happen next! Read pt.4

Unfortunately, pt. 4 was never written. At this point, we moved out of state and my Robin Hood obsession began to slowly subside. I had actually also gotten over my Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast crush by this time and was head-over-heels in love with James MacArthur. (For those of you that never heard of him, he was in several live-action Disney films including Swiss Family Robinson, Third Man on the Mountain, Kidnapped, Mosby's Marauders, The Light in the Forest... The first I watched was Swiss Family Robinson. He played Fritz... and, surprisingly, my siblings will still occasionally tease me about "Fritz". I had pictures of him laying around everywhere. Yes, I was dumb. And there you have it. The story of my love life. LOL, I'm not going any farther. Because after that, it goes to actual real-life people that weren't in a movie.) Oh, and by the way, watch a James MacArthur movie. Preferably Swiss Family Robinson and The Light in the Forest. They will be worth it, I assure you. But I digress. The topic was... Robin Hood, right?

(This is the point where I go down in the basement and dig out my old copy of Paul Creswick's Robin Hood. Who knows when I may re-emerge? I'm thousands of miles and years away... In Sherwood Forest again.)

Oodelally, oodelally, golly, what a day!

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