ATOP Chapter Thirty-Nine

"Still all my song shall be... nearer, my God, to Thee... Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee..." 

The final notes of the hymn lingered, ringing softly through the wooden rafters. Katie sighed heavily... a peaceful sigh. That was how that particular song always left her... peaceful. Comforted. Nearer to her God. She sat there with her eyes closed, just listening to the echo in her soul, as the pastor began to speak again.

"Dear brothers and sisters..." he said the words slowly and paused to smile at them all. It was a grandfatherly sort of smile and it held a note of sadness in it. "I have spoken about it many times... so you all know that my time to retire from this pulpit is drawing near. It is... bittersweet. As I look out at all of you, it strikes me..." he laughed. "How long I've been preaching here. Why, I had long since been minister when all you young war veterans were born."  

He raised his eyebrows before adding, "I was just starting out here when some of your fathers were born. Yes, you, Jonas Tyler, I remember that blizzard the night you were born... and you've got gray hair already, Joe, pardon me for saying it..." he chuckled. "And you, John Fraser, and Elliot Sampson, I saw you both off at the train station when you went off to France in the first big war." he grinned. "Glad you both made it back safely. Well, I won't go on jabbering about it right now... I've still got a couple months left to jaw yer ears off, I won't do it all today. But before we leave here, I have an announcement to make. We voted last week on my successor... the ballots have been counted, and... a man has been chosen. This, I firmly believe, is the Lord's doing... and it is marvelous in our eyes."

He smiled warmly at his congregation. "I know you will all be lifting his name in prayer over the next few weeks as he makes the decision whether or not to accept this appointment. It is a weighty decision, and not one to be taken lightly, but the Lord will be with him." 

He paused as a low murmur rippled through the congregation. It had notes of curiosity and impatience in it. Every woman was looking at her husband and wondering if she was about to assume the position of pastor's wife. And every man felt the weight of the decision already pressing on his soul. The pastor took pity on them and didn't let them wonder long.

"Malcolm Scott is the man chosen." he said quietly and the congregation fell silent. "Mac, my son, may the Lord be with you. All are dismissed." and he stepped down from the pulpit to a wild clamor of voices. 

In the midst of it all, Mac and Katie sat still and silent, staring at each other as realization slowly dawned upon them.


They were halfway through supper when the doorbell rang and Rachel was off to answer it before Ronnie could protest. 

"No, no, do not get up," she said, laughing. "Jagerschnitzel, it is not a dish to be interrupted, jah? Just enjoy the food and I shall see who it is at the door."

"I'll bet it's Josh wanting to borrow something," Ronnie called after her. "He's always losing things and then he has to come and lose mine..."

"Uncle Josh!" Benjie crowed, clapping in excitement and sending spaetzle dumplings flying over the table and his father simultaneously. 

"Aw c'mon, Li'l Squirt," Ronnie groaned, pretending to be greatly upset, which only made Benjie laugh. "You got noodles in my hair..." he brushed them out, grimacing, and flung a few Benjie's way. The poor dumplings went back and forth a few minutes before Benjie, properly and completely wound up, grabbed a fistful and climbed halfway onto the table to dump them right down Ronnie's collar.

A sudden cry in the hall stopped the food fight in its tracks and Ronnie jumped to his feet in alarm, scattering dumplings over the floor. Benjie yelped as he was rapidly scooped off the table and dumped unceremoniously onto the floor. He stood, brushing squashed dumplings off his pants, and prepared to protest, but Ronnie had already vanished into the hall.

Rachel turned from the open door, her face deathly-white and her eyes wide as saucers. She stumbled a few steps towards Ronnie, and then her knees gave way and she folded nearly into a heap. He caught her just a moment before she hit the floor. 

"What on earth is wrong?" he cried as she sagged limply in his arms. 

"Telegram..." she gasped, and he noticed the paper clenched in her trembling fingers. "It... it..."

He snatched it from her hand, leading her to the living room and making her sit down before he dared open the crumpled message. He was almost terrified to look at it, afraid of what it could be that would affect her like this. 

"Read it..." she murmured faintly, lowering her head into her hands. "Tell me... what it... means..."

"It's from... Germany..." he faltered, frowning. Realization began to dawn as he remembered the telegram he had sent himself to the displaced persons board, only a few weeks ago... he unfolded the paper and scanned the words silently.


"Tell me," Rachel whispered, clutching at Ronnie's arm desperately. Her voice rose until she nearly shrieked. "Does it mean what it says? My Bekah, my Shonie, my little sisters... are they... are they... alive?!!"

"I... hope so..." Ronnie glanced from her white face to the brief typed message, and sent a silent prayer heavenward. Please, God, please, please let these be the right girls... "Been trying to... track them down... ever since you came home..."

Rachel stared up at him in silence for a long, long moment. At last, with a shuddering, gasping sob, she buried her face against his chest and cried as hard as she could.

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