The Lady of My Choosing Chapter Ten

 Chapter Ten

My Lady Caroline

    As the last few notes of the minuet faded away, the chamberlain stood in the doorway of the ballroom to announce a latecomer. An unknown latecomer.

    "Your Majesties... Your Royal Highness... My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen. Her Highness, the Princess... Incognita."

    As he spoke, a young woman appeared in the doorway. She paused there, seeming almost nervous as she looked out over the room. The crowd parted almost automatically and the prince stood there on the far side of the room. Their eyes met and for a moment, neither moved. Then, slowly, they began to walk towards each other, as if drawn by some unknown force. They met in the center of the room and... without even speaking a word... began to dance together. Everyone watched, puzzled, filled with curiosity as the murmurs flew throughout the room?

    "Who is she?"

    As Caroline watched the unknown princess dancing with Edward, she felt a strange, vague sense of familiarity. There was something about that girl that reminded her of someone... or something. But what it was, she couldn't tell. As they danced together, staring into each other's eyes, they seemed completely unaware of any others present in the room. They were utterly alone... far away... in their own small world.

    At last, more couples began to join the dance and the room returned to its former buzz of conversation. But now the conversation centered on this strange Princess Incognita. Who was she? Where did she come from? Why did no one know who she was?

    "Lady Caroline," the Lady Susan was speaking and Caroline moved from her reverie to turn to her. "This is the Lady Tremayne and her daughters, Isobelle and Palatine. They have expressed a wish to meet you. Lady Tremayne's husband was the late Doctor Tremayne, who was called after your accident last year."

    "Lady Tremayne!" Caroline greeted her enthusiastically. "I am greatly honored to meet you and your daughters. Your husband was a good and kind man and helped me much in my illness. I am forever indebted to him."

    "La, milady," the older woman trilled. "I am much gratified by your kind words. The doctor spoke often of you and what a sweet and noble lady you are."

    "He told me of his daughter," Caroline continued. "He did not say her name but..." as she looked at Isobelle and Palatine, realized that neither of these could possibly be a blood daughter of Doctor Tremayne. Nor did she see the sad, lonely-looking girl from the funeral last winter.

    "He must have been speaking of my two darling girls." Lady Tremayne's smile could hardly be called a smile. In fact, it was more a sneer.

    "Is there no other daughter?" Caroline frowned in confusion.

    "I have no other daughter," the lady's voice was rather frigid and even her sneer was fast-disappearing. "There is no one left but my two daughters and I... and the servant-girl." she added this as if only an afterthought. Certain that the doctor's widow was holding something back, Caroline felt a pang of pity for the girl that she had seen but a moment. Surely she was the doctor's daughter and it seemed she was being used very ill indeed.

    "It was a pleasure to meet you all," she curtseyed to the women and moved aside, not wishing to speak with them any longer. There was something about them that repelled her.

    As Caroline turned her attention back toward the dancers, she realized that Edward and the mystery princess had vanished and she smiled to herself. She felt certain that her dear cousin had at last found the one he had been waiting for all his life.

    "At least," she murmured softly, "One of us will be happy."

    Flushed with excitement and exertion, Queen Edith smiled benevolently on all as John led her back to her seat. As she sat regally, she beckoned to Caroline and pulled her close in order to speak confidentially.

    "He's a fine dancer, my dear, a very fine dancer indeed. I should know, for we danced two dances! You go along now, my dear. It's your turn." As she thus spoke, she had summoned John forward and now she put Caroline's hand in his.

    "Go on now, both of you. Enjoy yourselves a little. I know you both want to dance, go on!" She smiled, satisfied, and sat back in her throne as, blushing and frightened, Caroline followed John to the floor.

    "Are you sure we should?" she ventured, casting a nervous look in the direction of the king and queen.

    "Why not?" he smiled as the music began and they joined the other couples. As Caroline looked into his eyes, her fear seemed to vanish and she forgot everything. It was as if no one was there and nothing mattered... nothing except that she loved him and he loved her. Perhaps he had never said it, no, not in words. But his eyes said it... every time he looked at her. As she swept across the floor in his arms, she felt safe and happy. For a few moments, at least, life was exactly as it should be.

    The dance was ended all too soon and Caroline sighed half-regretfully. At that moment, she happened to glance towards the king and queen. Queen Elinor was staring directly at her and she read fury in those eyes. Caroline's face went white and she felt weak all over. For a moment she wavered and clung to John's arm for support.

    "Lady Caroline!" he said, alarmed. "You are unwell. Perhaps the heat is too much for you?"

    Caroline didn't reply. She couldn't find words to say. An awful fear had shot through her and she couldn't think, couldn't move. John had his arm around her, supporting her. He was directing her toward the door. Then the fresh night air blew full in her face and, shakily, she gasped in a deep breath.

    "Are you alright?" John was saying. "I was afraid you would faint!"

    "I... I don't know... I don't know what's the matter with me," she murmured weakly. "Something just seemed to come over me for a moment. I... I'm sorry." She was suddenly aware that John was holding her close and she leaned her head on his shoulder, wearily. If only... if only! But why waste dreams?

    What is a dream that can't come true?

    "Caroline," he was whispering. "My lady Caroline. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

    She glanced up at him and realized, with a start, that there were tears in his eyes.

    "John?" she spoke softly.

    "What is it, my lady Caroline?"

    She hesitated, not certain what to say.

    "John, I... I love you." There. She had said it. The secret she had kept hidden so carefully, for so long, was out at last. She almost wished she had kept quiet, but at the same time, she was glad. He knew. And she wept. His arms tightened around her and for a long time he was silent too. But then, she heard him say it, so quietly that she could barely hear...

    "I love you too, my lady Caroline."

    For a long time they stood there in silence, clinging to each other in a sort of hopeless despair. Fate had made them what they were and thus had crushed their hearts in its cruel iron grip.

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