Friday, March 4, 2022

A Random Post of Humorous Odds and Ends

 Aye, I know, I know. It's been only two days since this blog went up. I have absolutely no right to be annoyed at the fact that I have not the entire world of period drama/classic novel lovers falling at my feet. Unfortunately, I cannot help it. 

Neither can I wait for said entire world of period drama/classic novel lovers to discover this blog. So I am simply going to go ahead and post what I want to. On behalf of my one follower and my several nameless, anonymous ghost-readers who have been reading this without leaving comments. *Clears throat loudly*

I must admit, therefore, that I am in a strange mood tonight. No, not strange. This is the mood that I am often in. Especially when I am listening to the entire Anne of Green Gables soundtrack on repeat for the fourth hour in a row. Ahem. It's my study music. I cannot tell you how many times I must have listened to it in the past... few months, I guess. 

Note: Should you wish to do the same (as in listening to continuous Anne music, I mean), check out the page linked beneath the header, entitled "Period Drama Soundtracks". I haven't completed it, by any stretch of the imagination, but I am pleased to announce that the entire Anne soundtrack is up by now.

A word of caution to late arrivals: the following has nothing to do with anything in particular. It is an assembled collection of odds and ends, resulting from my current state of mind. You are about to enter my imagination.

Shall we begin?

We shall.

There y'are. See? This is going to be one crazy post.

So, I've been doing physics and geography all day, alternated with little breaks (i.e. escapes) into the realm of PeriodDramaLand. Hm. Feel like that should be another branch of DisneyWorld. They've got FrontierLand, TomorrowLand, FantastyLand, and AdventureLand, so why not PeriodDramaLand? I must submit a complaint to DisneyWorld immediately...

For some reason, one of the things that seems to be sticking persistently in my sleep-deprived and college-mangled brain is the Dolly sequence from Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel. Y'see, that's one of the songs on my soundtrack... the wild and rollicking... whatever-it-is tune during which Anne and Diana hike up their skirts and go tripping wildly through a muddy field. Mud soup, is more like it. 

Scottish jig. Yes, that's it. The song is a Scottish jig, I believe. I mean, can't you just picture the kilts and the sword-dancing? No? Me either. All I see is Anne running frantically through aforementioned mud soup with some kind of stick and Diana wailing after her forlornly before she gives in and tromps in after her. Now THAT is what true friendship is. The ability and willingness to join your bosom friend on a mad dash through muddy fields after defiant cows. 

I can't help but groan every time I see this scene, actually... I mean... they ruined those gorgeous dresses! RUINED them!!! If I had a dress like that... I wouldn't even dare to put it on, except every once in a while to sit primly in my room to read a book or to sit primly on a bench in church. Certainly NOT to herd unmanageable Jersey cows through the neighboring crank's potato field.

"I didn't realize Mrs. Lynde was such a crank."
"Certainly nothing of the kindred spirit in her."

Might I disagree for one moment to say that Mrs. Lynde, while she is most certainly a crank, does most certainly not have "nothing of the kindred spirit in her"?? Let me rephrase that. What I meant to say is, Mrs. Lynde most certainly IS a kindred spirit "and don't you let on any different!" But I digress. (Remind me someday to publish a post defending Mrs. Lynde and her unusual form of kindred-spirit-ness.)

Anyway, back to the muddy potato field. For just a moment longer. For I must add that Gilbert's impromptu appearance in this scene certainly put the icing on the cake.

"Well, well! The elegant and illustrious Miss Shirley. Relaxing whilst seeking out new ideas for her next Rollings Reliable assignment."

"Do you suppose I'm here to chat with the bullfrogs? Be a gentleman."

YES, Anne. Perfect comeback.

Am I the only one who feels this scene could have been improved upon by a certain muddy cow laughing in the background at this opportune moment? Yes? Okay, then...

This picture, by the way... Anne's utter despair beneath all that mud and poor Diana's exasperated and crunchy grin just plastered on her face... and Gilbert wiping the mud off his hands in the background while trying desperately not to laugh... I mean, that silly smirk just is a dead giveaway as to his opinion regarding a certain mud-bespattered damsel... Details, people. It's all in the details.

And now my whirlwind brain is already grasping at a new topic. This is fun, this fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type of blogging... Lots more freedom than all that stiff and formal writing I normally do (see pages above, just below blog heading) Don't get me wrong. I adore serious writing. But sometimes I just gotta spew my crazy ramblings. 

Aaaaaand... here we go!

See how quickly my mind can change directions?? Yeah, when I get tired, my brain tries its hardest to bring up the most bizarre in me... like the famous (or shall we say infamous??) lake scene in Pride and Prejudice. No, I feel not the need to specify, there is only one, and I repeat ONLY one Pride and Prejudice. Imposters will not be discussed here. LOL, okay, I'm kidding. I'll discuss other versions, and do so "calmly and rationally, like grown-up women" (Parent Trap quote there) if anyone wants to discuss it. It might actually be fun, y'know... 

This scene is just so hilarious though. I must say, I don't get it why people go on about the whole Mr. Darcy-in-a-wet-shirt thing... that's just plain... well, all I will say is, that this angle will most certainly NOT be discussed. Not here. But aside from that, this hilarious awkwardity... is awkwardity a word? of this iconic scene is just epic. I love the shocked expressions and the obvious nervousness... especially on Mr. Darcy's part. He's evidently the most nervous... his repeated questions and "Ohyesocourse" (yes, that's said all in one word) is just... dare I use the word again? Hilarious! And Lizzie sort of just looks away and, yes, she is trying not to laugh. I dare you to contradict me! As humiliating as that probably was, she still sees the humorous side of things.

And this leads me to remember the adorable sword-fighting scene between Edward Ferrars and Margaret Dashwood. *clears throat* Let me just say here and now that Edward Ferrars is the best Austen heroine. *ducks random flying objects* I know, I know. Unpopular opinion. I'm looking at you, Darcy fans. Yes, Darcy is great. But Edward is better. Plus, he's the only Austen heroine you can call by his first name, and that alone. Fancy calling Mr. Darcy "Fitzwilliam"! I tend to have unpopular opinions where Austen is concerned. But more on that in another post.

The best thing here is where Margaret turns to wave at Elinor, who is watching from the window, thus triggering our gallant hero to turn and wave also, accompanied by an adorable cheesy grin. Margaret seizes the opportunity to thrust her wooden sword into his stomach, causing said gallant hero to collapse in agony, while Elinor gasps. Very likely my favorite scene in this movie. Hm... I might as well say it, since "you know I pride myself on speaking my mind". So perhaps Edward isn't the most gallant and dashing hero. But in this scene, he certainly "swashbuckles"... at least, the "buckle" part of that... Yeah. Cheesy, I know. My sense of humor is less than satisfactory.

What follows this scene is equally hilarious... the ensuing conversation between Edward and Elinor... I just love their relationship! They're just so... sweet! And I bet they were just wonderful parents... why couldn't there have been a sequel?? But, again, I digress. Following is aforementioned humorous conversation.

Elinor: Margaret always wanted to travel.
Edward: I know. She's off to China soon. I'm to go as her servant, on the understanding I'll be badly treated.
Elinor: What will your duties be?
Edward: Sword fighting and swabbing.
Elinor: Which will take precedence?
*Some time later, after discussing occupations and fortunes*
Elinor: Our circumstances are therefore precisely the same. Except that you will inherit your forutne. 
We cannot even earn ours.
Edward: Perhaps Margaret is right. Piracy is our only option. *long pause* What is swabbing exactly?

I should wrap this up. It's almost eleven and I'm fading fast. And I'm going to end with a tragic scene. 
I know. That's very un-me-like. There. You see what college does to me? 

*Reaches for box of Kleenex* I simply cannot *sniff* allow this blog to end this way. 
As beautifully tragic as this is. And so I present unto you one of the best Anne and Gilbert scenes... 
Okay, let's face it. EVERY Anne and Gilbert scene is the best. 
But this one happens to be funny, whereas the last one was tragical.

Alright. I have sufficiently rambled and cheered myself up thereby. 
Hopefully this post doesn't scare potential readers away, any more than the fact that I enjoyed this rambling 
so much that I intend to make this sort of post a regular occurrence on my blog. But I will not always be in 
a college-altered state of mind. Hope you enjoyed!

With All Best Wishes,

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