Thursday, August 18, 2022

In Which I Crash a Tea Party

Aha! Yes! I am crashing this tea party!! (See original post) Don't worry... I was given permission 😆 And I hereby tag Miss Winifred Banks!!

(No... no... the other one.)

What is a 'bad' (generally disliked) movie that you actually love?

Spiderman 3. I don't know how disliked this movie actually is, but I've heard it get a lot of bad raps. And I love it. And I don't consider it bad. Just a bit flawed. 

What is your most shocking reading habit?

Sometimes I skip over descriptions. I mean... I love descriptions... but if I'm in a hurry and/or the writer of the description is not Montgomery, I'm guilty of skimming over and finding the action. My life is not exactly improved by reading an example of the following...

And so, as we have said, the iron gate leading into the kitchen-garden had been closed up and left to the rust, which bade fair before long to eat off its hinges, while to prevent the ignoble glances of the diggers and delvers of the ground from presuming to sully the aristocratic enclosure belonging to the mansion, the gate had been boarded up to a height of six feet. True, the planks were not so closely adjusted but that a hasty peep might be obtained through their interstices; but the strict decorum and rigid propriety of the inhabitants of the house left no grounds for apprehending that advantage would be taken of that circumstance.

Horticulture seemed, however, to have been abandoned in the deserted kitchen-garden; and where cabbages, carrots, radishes, peas, and melons had once flourished, a scanty crop of lucern alone bore evidence of its being deemed worthy of cultivation. A small, low door gave egress from the walled space we have been describing into the projected street, the ground having been abandoned as unproductive by its various renters, and had now fallen so completely in general estimation as to return not even the one-half per cent it had originally paid. Towards the house the chestnut-trees we have before mentioned rose high above the wall, without in any way affecting the growth of other luxuriant shrubs and flowers that eagerly dressed forward to fill up the vacant spaces, as though asserting their right to enjoy the boon of light and air. At one corner, where the foliage became so thick as almost to shut out day, a large stone bench and sundry rustic seats indicated that this sheltered spot was either in general favor or particular use by some inhabitant of the house, which was faintly discernible through the dense mass of verdure that partially concealed it, though situated but a hundred paces off.

Whoever had selected this retired portion of the grounds as the boundary of a walk, or as a place for meditation, was abundantly justified in the choice by the absence of all glare, the cool, refreshing shade, the screen it afforded from the scorching rays of the sun, that found no entrance there even during the burning days of hottest summer, the incessant and melodious warbling of birds, and the entire removal from either the noise of the street or the bustle of the mansion. On the evening of one of the warmest days spring had yet bestowed on the inhabitants of Paris, might be seen negligently thrown upon the stone bench, a book, a parasol, and a work-basket, from which hung a partly embroidered cambric handkerchief, while at a little distance from these articles was a young woman, standing close to the iron gate, endeavoring to discern something on the other side by means of the openings in the planks,—the earnestness of her attitude and the fixed gaze with which she seemed to seek the object of her wishes, proving how much her feelings were interested in the matter.

See what I mean? You skimmed, didn't you? 

Tell us the number one lie you write in your posts.

Uuuuummm... I really don't think I wrote any lie in particular?? Well, the original post said to resort to tea if I didn't have an answer so...

Tell us the worst character name you've ever thought up. {bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie}

Ezekiel Crane. And yes, I gave him a horrid name on purpose. He was a villain 😆

And as for the bonus, Barney Snaith. I mean... I adore The Blue Castle. But WHAT ON EARTH was Montgomery thinking to call her hero by the name of Barney Snaith??? I guess (SPOILER) it wasn't actually his real name, but still, he's called that the whole book. And I couldn't stand it. 

What is the real reason you procrastinate writing your work in progress?
Because I come up with a new idea. I get so obsessed with and wrapped up in the new idea that I can't force myself to work on the other WIPs. You should see my GoogleDocs page...

What is a genre of music you secretly love?

Scottish fiddling and bagpipes. I guess it's not exactly secret because I've been known to drive around with the windows down and the bagpipe and/or fiddling music as loud as it goes... (Scottish pride, y'know?) But no one else in my social circle listens to it so... 

If you're a plotter, what do you really think of pansters? And if you're a panster, what do you really think of plotters?

Heh. I'm a combination of both, so I can't critique one or the other. I usually come up with an idea, start developing it in my head, reliving the story over and over until I have enough of it to start writing. I usually write a summary of the main idea. 

Share at least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects {bonus: give us the good stuff. your most gruesome butchering of the English language)

Ohhh boy. You want that stuff? You're gonna regret asking that... because I'm going to grit my teeth and give you an example of my very first book. That I wrote when I was eleven. And trust me... I can't even reread it myself. 

Roberta shrieked as she read the last sentence of the letter. "Oh, father, what shall I do?" she cried. "Whom shall I marry? And what shall be done with the prisoner in the dungeon?" And with that, she fainted, the letter still in her hand.

Ugh. Cringe.

Tell us the title & artist of the last song you listened to.

Merida's Home by Patrick Doyle

Which beloved book/movie character do you dislike & why?

Um... I do bad coming up with these off the top of my head... 

Dean Priest from the Emily of New Moon trilogy. He creeps me out...

Edmund Dantes from The Count of Monte Cristo. Okay, to be honest, I loved him in the beginning. And then he changed so much he wasn't even the same person. He got really annoying. Really.

Oookay, I'm gonna give up. I can't think of any more. And it's midnight anyway so... 

Tell us the title & topic of a post you have left in draft.

Wouldn't you like to know? *chuckles gleefully*

Oookay. I have one called "If Pride and Prejudice Were a Disney Movie"... but I don't own the content. Credit goes to an unknown genius. 

Here's a preview: 

Other than that, I'm planning to release a series on the best period drama costumes from each era. (That sounds so sophisticated, does it not??)

What is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will? {bonus: share a time when claiming you've read a classic/well-known book didn't end well}

Tell us the title & topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written. {bonus: include. the. link.}

I've only been blogging for a couple of months, so I don't think I've embarrassed myself too much... yet... hopefully not... But there is one thing I kind of wish I hadn't written. And I guess me reposting it is going to make it really irrevocable. Here ya go: 

Crush - any irl or online crushes?

Um actually... yes, I do. And it's in real life. I won't say much other than that he's tall, dark, and handsome... and he's very much like Gilbert. 🥰 He has the best sense of humor of anyone I've ever known irl... and can make any topic of conversation fascinating. (Even cars. I kid you not, I talked with him about cars for over an hour the other day... and it was hilarious. I hate cars too, so this is unusual for me.) Just an all-around fun person to be with...

Picture of Gilbert... because I'm not putting a picture of you-know-who on here 😏

It's not embarrassing, I just...

Ooookay. Imma stop talking now.

Cridhe Briste,



  1. Let me just say you’re a lot braver than moi!
    I would’ve been going TeaTeaTea on quite a few of these questions😄 Particularly about Gilbert-The-2nd (; Great tea party, btw!

    1. LOL, if you met me in real life, you'd never know any of this stuff 😆 Secret identity somehow makes me braver. Sort of like Spider-Man... he's so awkward and shy as Peter Parker, but as Spider-Man he's a completely different person 😂

      Yeah, I was afraid too many tea gif's would make the post kinda boring. That one though "We're in desperate need of tea" is hysterical 🤣 Mrs. Palmer is one of my ultimately favorite period drama characters... she and her husband!

      Heheh... Gilbert the 2nd 😏

  2. I’m glad I get to know you this side of you here, then! We keep sounding like twins, I think it, and the next thing I know, you put it into words. When I first read your blog, I was sure you had to be 30 or something, because girls nowadays just don’t think like this! Do they? Apparently a few do and I’m not the only old-fashioned-on purpose girl out there, Which was a thrilling thing to discover😄
    Also not sure why I’m writing all this here.... sorry for the spiel!


  3. This is wonderful! I've always wanted a friend who loves the things I do!! Can't find any irl 🤨 Hey, I'm only nineteen... and very old-fashioned. I don't think girls nowadays do think like this... we're a rare species!! 😄

    And feel free to spiel as much as you want! Your comments on this blog is one of the best things that's happened to me in a long while! Btw, how did you find my blog exactly? I haven't been able to find it on a google search yet...

  4. We must be! That’s what makes this so incredible😂 Me too....
    Well, it’s a tangled sort of a story, but let’s see if I can unwind it! You’ll see I’m spieling full force today😜 Thanks, by the way!
    So I was looking at the odyssey site, wishing fervently that Album 73 would hurry up and get here! Like yesterday already. And, being deprived of the real thing, and nonetheless starving for AIO, (okay, I admit it! I mean our favourite two formerly engaged NSA agents) I resorted to, ahem, well, fanfics. That’s how desperate I was! Cause I don’t mean the Odyssey worthy kind, seeing as mostly they weren’t.... but around about the 15th almost-and not quite-stomachable piece, (no offence to these authors, I just don’t like when they completely change already perfect characters in order to make something unthinkable happen! worse than historically inaccurate movies) lo and behold, the words (word?) “Checkmate” caught my eye. I very nearly did not click on said title, BUT, Juliette Deroulede sounded like a pretty good name for a writer. Definitely more sane than Grape-Flavoured or Camo-Unicorns. (not the real names, but you get it) And the description had by this time gotten a hold on my curiosity, so off I went! After reading it, I literally remember thinking “I can’t believe how close I came to passing right over this.” I was so shocked that I found a blog like yours, and the surprises just kept coming. Like the fact that we’re the same age! And both love Anne, and Follow Me Boys, and don’t wear make-up.... and I could go on for ages here, but I’ll spare you that😂 anyway, there you have it! The highly improbable way I came to discover you (: is it just me, or does it sound like I’m making this up? I guess Real Life truly is stranger than fiction😄after all, it doesn’t have to make sense! And you know what else? This was quite literally the first time I’d ever commented anywhere, other than on the Club. What are the chances?! WOW. I’m amazed that I found you! Glad I could be a bright spot for you, because you’ve definitely been one for me☺️

  5. Just checking, is it alright with you if I share this blog with a friend? I have a feeling she’ll love it too!

  6. Wow... that's awesome!! I am so glad you like the blog and the stories!! And it's totally amazing to meet a true kindred spirit 😄

    Yes! Please do, your friend is very welcome!! Invite as many as you want, I'd love to have as many kindred spirits as possible on this blog... the more the merrier!

  7. Wonderful! I’ll do just that (:

  8. I say! Thanks heaps for the tag! I’ll do it asap in the new year, just been run off my feet with moving house 😌

    ~Miss W

    1. Hi!! It's good to hear from you again!! Ugh, I know from experience how exhausting and stressful it is to move... 😐 I look forward to reading your post!! 😄


It is a truth universally acknowledged that any writer, in possession of a blog, must be in want of comments!