Monday, September 5, 2022


 YEEESSS!!! I did it!!! I finally finished writing AND posting Boldly! If anyone is interested, you can read the completed version here:


Hopefully it turned out... 😐 I felt like the last few chapters didn't quite turn out the way they were supposed to... Anyway, let me know!! Any kind of comment is soooooo much appreciated!! πŸ˜„

Till Next Time,



  1. Ooh, yay! I literally just discovered you’d put this up, and I cannot wait to read it!

  2. Having just finished reading, (I couldn’t wait 😜) I’d definitely say Yes!!! It did indeed turn out. These chapters made me cry, cheer, feel as if I were in L’s shoes myself, and marvel at your skill in wielding the written accent (: I can practically hear Lorna’s voice as I read.... needless to say, I loved it!
    I would say if you feel there’s something that still needs a bit of “seasoning”, give it a few weeks amd then reread!! That always helps me get a clearer view, as well pinpoint what areas I want to work on...

  3. Oh good, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! And thank you so much!! πŸ˜„ When I reread my writing, most of it seems cheesy to me... πŸ€” So I'm glad you think it worked πŸ˜ƒ

    Yeah, rereading later on usually helps, if I'm motivated enough. πŸ™ƒ

    Just wondered, did you see my replies to your comments on the other post?

  4. Yes!! I did…. I’m so sorry I haven’t replied yet…. My phone completely gave out on me, and right now I’m kinda stuck ):
    ( borrowing a device for this comment) Hoping very much that I can get to it this weekend…. I’m actually halfway through writing my replies into Notes, but combining season keeps getting in the way ):

    1. Ugh... that's bad... Man, I definitely can sympathize with the harvest season!! We don't combine, but we do pretty much everything else, so I feel you there!!

      Just wanted to make sure you saw them, that they didn't get buried in the blog, so no worries πŸ˜„

  5. I know, right? Part of the reason we’re go glad we live in a world where there are Octobers is because they find after those extremely hectic September’s 😝 awesome!

  6. Ooh, lucky!

    You know what, I don’t have GoogleDocs, but I could get it! It does sound like great fun doing it together.... is it an app? (As you can tell, I’m not very electronically-gifted!)

    Yes. He definitely is and always shall be a extraordinary representative of all that is disgusting!! Just, microscopically less so than I previously thought. Remember when Marianne is so sick, the talk he has with Elinor? And I was thrilled with Jane Austen for making him sleep in the bed he made! Even if it turned out to be not always as unpleasant as he made it sound.

    Ooh, Aunt Sarah would be great too.... I should watch that againπŸ€”
    Giselle for Marianne, maybe? That’s pretty much exactly how my mental picture of her looks, at any rate! Who would you say?
    Milo Thatcher for Edward, definitely!
    From all the characters I recognize, you nailed them! There are a ton of names I don’t have any clue who they are, so I’m gonna have to look those upπŸ˜„

  7. Ooh botheration. I was sure I was on our usual page.... and put my reply on here by mistake. Sorry! I’ll put it there too.


It is a truth universally acknowledged that any writer, in possession of a blog, must be in want of comments!