Friday, December 16, 2022

Time-Honored Christmas Traditions

 Hello Kindreds!!

No, I'm not finished with finals yet. But I'm coming in on the home stretch and will be done tonight!! Honestly though, I don't know why on earth I'm posting right now... I've got to finish up some quizzes and discussion replies and submit one more essay. Also we're having company tonight. And for those of you who know what I'm talking about, GWG is coming too 😉 Shh. It's an inside joke, people. So honestly, I have no business posting. But I just felt like it... so here we go. Enough rambling, Juliette, enough!!

So I'm just popping in quick to post some of my favorite Christmas traditions. My favorite thing about the season is actually listening to Christmas music and I've got the best playlist ever 🥰 I've been listening to these songs literally all my life and they define Christmas for me. 

So maybe you can find some new favorites!! Or maybe we love the same music 😄

Here's an unusual and old-fashioned tradition peculiar to those of us with German heritage (I'm half-German) Has anyone ever heard of Springerles? Absolutely beautiful Christmas cookies. Like the most beautiful cookies even possible. It's a thick and simple dough with lots of powdered sugar and flavored with anise that makes a plain, chewy cookie. You roll out the dough and press it with a wooden carving. Let them rise overnight and you can even paint them with food coloring, if you want to get really fancy!!

Can't give you our family heirloom recipe because my mom and grandma would probably both kill me 😆 But this one is just as good. You can get beautifully authentic molds from this same website. The molds are actually reproductions of real ones from hundreds of years ago!!

I'll leave you with what is probably my favorite traditions... watching Christmas movies with the family. But not just any Christmas movies! Oh no, absolutely not just any. These are special movies.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

Wishing each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! 
And God bless us, everyone. 😄


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness..... Cookie lover’s paradise🥰 I am so trying that recipe! I’ve heard of them before, but never actually seen them in real life.... What a beautiful tradition! Can’t wait to check out the playlist😃

    And you’re sure to be busy, either with prep work or company, so I’ll leave you to it! May you thoroughly enjoy your evening, (and certainly those who come with it ;) and congratulations on finishing!!


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