Saturday, December 23, 2023

A Time To Laugh


Hullo again, kindreds!

Well, as you can see from the title…. 

I came across a stray bit of sunshine in some of my old scribbles, going through them on a whim…. And somehow the thought of spreading it a little struck my fancy! Time to open the curtains and let the sun come flooding in…. It’s been much too dreary-with-a-chill around here lately!

Also this is exactly the sort of trivial fluff that gets inside me and tickles my fancy into a good humour. So I thought, why not fish it out and share? Oh, it’s a rough draft, got scribbled down and never really played with any farther than that…. So regard it as such, but do enjoy if it happens to be up your alley (;

But to clarify just a little…. In case this helps it make more sense…. This scribble stands on its own two feet, but at the same time, is a part of a larger picture. So if there are a few things left unexplained, well, that would be why. I paint with a bit of a broad brush sometimes, when I know all the little intricacies of that world my own self, and am writing for someone who knows just as many of them as I do… (That would be Julie, who is the sole reason this exists :P)

And so…. May I introduce you to me ain wee bit of a world?

Because you never know what will happen when you come along on an adventure in——Well okay, so it doesn’t exactly have a name, but the adventure part is still accurate😜 Moving on to the actual scribble!

Tarzan Of The Northwoods

There was silence in the forest, a strange kind of a  silence.

Something was not normal, something was not right…. And therefore, the birds kept their beaks firmly shut, the deer played at being trees and held so still that their antlers melded into the camouflage that was the forest…. And even the chipmunk paused, spruce cone in hand, like a minuscule statue poised precariously on a limb.

The chipmunk in particular paid close attention to the mysterious proceedings going on below him, his curiosity piqued, and vantage point unexcelled. 

There were two Things down below, two Things making strange sounds. Like a ruffed grouse, only one that got oiled and whirred more smoothly than ever any grouse, ruffed or otherwise, had done before in these woods! He had nearly convinced himself that they were oversized specimens, when that sound stopped, and a new one began, like the wind whispering through the trees at night.

It rustled, it began murmuringly and got louder very suddenly, and then was smothered with a hiccuping little gasp…. Like a duck that took too big a bite of mud by accident. He sat there for a long time, scratching his ears and cocking his head from side to side to see if that made things make more sense…. Which it didn’t, but was worth a try anyways.

And out of a clear blue sky, a Something came sailing up at him, like a whole den of garter snakes tied up end to end. He squawked indignantly, scrambling for safety as fast as his legs could carry him…. Only to stop in utter confusion when it not only did not give chase, but sailed right back down opposite the side of accension. Now he was confused. And moreover, he was befuddled. What was it with all these strange creatures that sounded like one thing and were not, that looked like nothing he’d ever seen, yet took over the woods like they owned the place?

He was just in the business of deciding to go RIGHT down there and giving them a good piece of his mind, whatever and whoever they might be, when the Things swept a pile of leaves over the coils of the long snake that did not bite, and as quickly as they had come, vanished from those woods.

He gave a little shrug and went in search of more spruce cones. Too much thinking on an empty stomach always gave him indigestion, and he wasn’t about to risk it!


And if your curiosity has, along with that of the chipmunk, been piqued…. You can always dive down this button and find out what happens (; The Rest Of The Story lives here….

There, now that feels better! Words always do that. Cheer me up, I mean. And scribbles all but give me wings :P

I think that means this post did its job😄 So if you’ve read all the way down here…. And gotten past all the ridiculous stunts and Exasperated Boots and blue eyes and everything else…. And the un-Falien\Annie Oakley did not scare you too far off…. (Poor guy, wasn’t I just horrible to him???) 

Kudos to you, Patient Reader! 

And moreover, I wish you a splendiferous rest of your day, with only right-side-up adventures and sunshiney things therein🤗

‘Til next we meet, which is about as predictable as the flight patterns of dandelion fluff…. (Yes, it’s a phase. I will snap out of the sillies soon, I promise!)

Yours scribblingly, 


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