Monday, January 29, 2024

One Drop At A Time

One by one, the raindrops fall on the “seed” that is yours truly…. Duly and deeply nicked, albeit unexpectedly and at a cost…. there is something going on at the heart of it. It swells suspiciously, and one might be forgiven for wondering if mayhap and possibly things be nearly set to sprout forth…. Nay, but already are as we speak. New and previously unexperienced things…. Glorious things, scary, frightening things, peace immeasurable, ways where no ways were…. And where the Master makes a way, it always leads to a place He has made ready.

He goes before us, does not fail us….


And the raindrops fall, and the heart finds hope in the melody that is them. 

Yes, these garden analogies are likely to continue. Quite. This blog has temporarily turned snapshot journal, and I find myself quite alright with that…. This is a season. Yes, there is more to this than mere thoughts and musings…. This is Life, and the Real Life tendings of my Gardener…. And He is faithful, forever faithful.

See Philippians 2:10-11 and Philippians 4:7….

He is always faithful…. And He will show you so in a thousand ways. Wait for the Light to shine through, kindreds…. I tell you, it is worth waiting for. Not all the darkness in the world can dim the power of the true Light. Beyond your wildest dreams, it’s worth it. Surrender is not losing, it is gaining more than anyone could have imagined.

Living completed, and learning to trust like a child….



  1. This is beautiful! <3 Especially "Surrender is not losing, it is gaining more than anyone could have imagined." So very true...and so hard to learn!

    1. SO hard to learn…. And yet He is so incredibly patient teaching it to us. It awes me every time it is proven all over again…. Makes one feel so small, yet so cherished….

  2. Oh, this is a lovely analogy! ...and yes, so true for all of us <3


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