Saturday, May 11, 2024

Dear Kindreds. I have something to tell you today. Or rather, I have a message to give you. A message from our dear Julie… And one she wanted me to give to you. And…. . And a stone uncovered is one you no longer have to trip over, but can avoid in the future. And for another “stone-story”, I say…. 

John 8:7-11.

Anyway. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive her. I certainly have🫂

And so…. without futher ado, I give you….

Julie’s message.

It's been a long time... well, at least it feels like a long time, but perhaps some of you remember Seonaid, aka Seon, who wrote on here briefly...

Well... the time has come to admit that... Seon was a fictional character.

And before I explain any further... I want to apologize. I'm sorry... it was a lie, and it was wrong of me to pretend that Seon was a real person.

Y'see... Seon was a test... an experiment, really. I created her to see if I could effectively write a character who was very much unlike me. Right when I was beginning A Time of War (formerly The Duty That Lies Before Us) I was facing a challenge that I never had before... writing a boatload of characters very much unlike me. Ronnie, Josh, Mac, Emma, Katie... and so on and so forth goeth the list. So most of them have a bit of me in them, but for the most part, they are very much unlike me. And I wanted to be sure I could write believable characters instead of dead carbon copies of myself.

Enter Seon. 

And she served her purpose well... I guess she was believable, cuz I had people fooled... even Emi, who, being my best friend, is an expert on me... 

But it was wrong. And I'm sorry. There's no excuse for a lie, ever.



  1. Good heavens! Well, you certainly fooled ME. Though I did wonder where that third girl I'd never talked to had gotten to. :P But in any case, since you apologize so nicely, I suppose we shall just have to forgive you :)

    1. I’m so glad you see it like that, you dear-sweet-understanding-chum-of-a-girl😜 She’ll be so glad to hear it….🫂🫂Is it funny if I say Thankyou??

    2. Aww, you are too kind...YOU dear-sweet-understanding-chum-of-a-girl! (And you are welcome ;))


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