Monday, July 1, 2024

🎶Iiiiiiiiits Canada Day up Canada way on the first day of July!
And we're shoutin' "hooray" up Canada way, when the maple leaf flies high.
When the silver jets from east to west go streaming through our sky,
We'll be shoutin' "hooray" up Canada way when the great parade goes by.🎶


Errrrr no, that wasn’t actually me. THAT, my dear readers and potentially curious people, was The Man In The Black Hat. (He’s a Canadian legend, you know. Think newer than the Ogopogo, and older than Loonies and Toonies.)

See why I picked him? 

Stompin’ Tom Connors says it for us…. 
And thank goodness too, because I didn’t think of this yesterday…. (Or like, y’know, even before…. Which would have been smart. But the thing is, I DIDNT, and so I had to enlist help now.)

And then I watched the parade this morning, (at which this song was played, I kid you not a bit) and DID think of it, but the day held other things than writing, and here we be.

Good thing there are songs to take our place when we fail to be sufficiently eloquent ahead of time on occasions such as this🤣

Anyways, Canada…. I’m awfully glad my little corner of you is home🤗 


  1. A happy (belated) Canada Day to you! (Realizing at the last minute that you did not prepare a post for an event? That is something which may or may not have happened to me in the past, heh.)

    1. AWWW, thanks🤗😜

      Oh yeah🤣 Just totally slipped my mind here…. About the posting thing, that is. Occasional Malady of the Otherwise Preoccupied Writer, eh?

  2. Boy, how this blog has changed since I let a Canuck take over... 😐

    Lol... glad I did. Happy belated Canada Day, bestie 🇨🇦 🤗🤗🤗 Congrats to my second favorite country 🥳🥳


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