Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Introducing New ATOP Characters

Dear Readers,

Those of you who have been reading A Time of War and A Time of Peace...

I am so excited to introduce two new characters to you! Thankful, really, because these characters are special, and they have endured so much. When I first knew about them, I wasn't sure if they would ever be able to come into the books... you see, when you write, the story drives you and the characters sometimes end up in completely different situations and doing completely different things than you ever expected them to. Unfortunately, the author is not in charge. If you know, you know. 😜

So I did not know until halfway through the beginning of ATOP that these characters actually survived World War II and would be able to enter the world of the Cavalry. 

And here they are... Rebekah and Rishona Adler, Rachel Stewart's little sisters.

Rebekah (Bekah) Adler

Rebekah is a fighter. Forced to grow up long before her time, she became her sister's protector as they endured the horrors of the Holocaust. Her experience has scarred her, leaving her defiant and angry at the world, putting up walls around her heart to shelter even from those who love her. A staunch Zionist, she champions the cause of her people and longs to return to Israel to participate in the rebuilding of the Jewish nation. She struggles to come to terms with Rachel's new-found Christian faith and the fact that she married a man who isn't a Jew.

Rishona (Shonie) Adler

Timid and shy, Rishona struggles to connect with people outside of the little circle of those she trusts. The Holocaust swallowed up her childhood, leaving her frightened and bewildered with life. Haunted by vivid flashbacks and nightmares, she finds a kindred spirit in Ronnie as they both work to overcome their pasts. She feels things so deeply, although it is difficult for her to express herself... her fears nearly paralyze her at times, but when she loves and trusts, it is with all her heart. Music becomes her voice and it is through song that she finds her comfort and joy.

Note: I originally had Rishona at twelve years old by the time Ronnie and Rachel found her, 
but I have changed her age to nine years old.


  1. Ha, I know what you mean about the author not being in charge. I've found that out with one of my stories at the moment...
    I love what I've seen of Rebekah. And Rishona just sounds adorable. I love her name, too!

  2. Ah, these characters sound great! I love the pictures, too...I think they really capture their personalities :D


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