TDTLBU Chapter Twenty-Seven

Life settled into a sort of routine after the boys left. Emma threw herself more than ever into her work at the hospital, working extra-long hours at her shift. After work and on the days she had off, she worked at the Red Cross or went to the USO dances in the next town over, spending scandalous amounts of her salary on the train. She was almost never home and when she was, she looked almost panicked. She avoided everyone and seemed almost afraid when people tried to speak to her. She was trying to work up the courage to tell her family what she was planning to do. She didn’t intend to ask for permission, she would simply tell them she was going and then she would go. But taking the first step was harder than she ever thought it would be.

"Seems as if I'm scared to death, although I hate to admit it," she wrote to Josh in frustration. He was the only person in whom she had dared to confide her dream. "And if I do get over there, what if I can't keep up? What if I can't do what needs to be done? And I keep thinking of the look in Mom's eyes when Ronnie left… and I wonder what she'll say to me. How'd you ever manage to bite the bullet and break the news that you were going, Scout? I admire your courage, that's for sure."

"You? Scared?" Josh wrote back. "That's a new one. Fact is, Em, you want this more than anything. And if I know you, you're the most determined girl I ever met. I know you can do it and I know you'll be a top-notch nurse, so just tell the family what's what and say you have to go. That's what I did. And if you get scared telling them, well, here's one person that believes in you. And tell you what, Em. If I get shot to pieces over there, there's no one I'd rather have to put me back together again. Good luck on the news-breaking!"

Katie worked almost daily at the Red Cross, sewing as hard as she could. She was never seen without some kind of material in her hands. She knitted socks and hemmed sheets and cut and rolled bandages to pack into first-aid kits. She sang as she worked, cheerful in spite of fear. She was in love, and love somehow rose above the terror she felt deep inside of her being. It helped her through the uncertainty of those long and weary months. 

Mickey declared himself a four-star general and went to work building up what he dubbed “The Infantry”. This title was mainly because Emma refused to allow him to adopt the term “Cavalry”. 

“There can only be one Cavalry, buddy,” she told him. “You’ll need to find something new. Original. Creative.”

The Infantry’s duties were many and varied, including rubber, scrap and paper drives among fishing, hiking, swimming, baseball games, and general hullabaloo. The members of the Infantry consisted solely of boys from eight to twelve years old and the scrapes they got themselves into, both when they were being useful and when they were not, rivaled those of the Cavalry. 

Lissie seemed to vanish in those early days of the war. From time to time she would show up at the local Red Cross sewing circles, pale and hollow-eyed. She would sit in the corner and sew, saying nothing and looking at no one. She kept working at Dillinger’s Dry Goods, but she was as silent there as she was anywhere else. She no longer greeted customers warmly as they entered the store, or offered to help them as they browsed the shelves. She stayed in the background like a nervous shadow, doing her work and minding her own business and nobody else’s. As soon as anyone mentioned the war, she would clamp her mouth shut and drop her head, silent signals that she would not participate in the following conversation. Most people assumed that she was only worrying over Ronnie, no one, not even her family, knowing what had happened between them. But she wouldn’t talk about him either and this puzzled those who tried to worry the truth out of her. She seemed to have died inside of herself. And no one knew why. 


"It's too quiet around here," Emma sighed, sinking into a chair in the hospital's staff room. Rhonda grinned at her, flipping open her lunch box.

"That's what makes it easy." She unwrapped her sandwich and laid it out on the table in front of her. "I mean… what do you expect? A riot? I doubt the patients are up to even a small protestation. They're supposed to be resting… quietly."

"I know." Emma propped her chin in her hands, ignoring her own sandwich. "I just feel like I'm not accomplishing anything. I mean… our men are over there, dying for this war. And me? I'm stitching up cuts and taking out swollen appendices. Nothing new. Nothing special. Nothing… to help our country and our soldiers." 

Josh's encouragement was constantly at the forefront of her mind. It almost served to make her feel even more guilty. Why was she stalling? 

"You're doing what you're paid to do," Rhonda shrugged. "That's all you can do."

"It's not," Emma murmured. Her eyes drifted for the thousandth time to the poster on the wall. 

"Graduate nurses," it proclaimed in large red letters. "Your country needs you." Below it a new poster had been added… bearing a picture of a nurse bending over a wounded soldier. The words seemed to speak straight to Emma's heart, as loud as if someone were standing next to her and yelling in her ear. 

"Save his life and find your own."

She felt a surge of adrenaline at those words, and she lifted her chin, her eyes flashing. She had been thinking about it, praying about it, worrying about it for so long… why wait any longer? Nothing was ever accomplished by sitting around and waiting. She would find the courage to do it… force it out of herself and push forward to accomplish her goal. She would do it now. Today. This very instant.

She rose so abruptly that her lunchbox slid from her lap and clattered to the floor. Mashed potatoes spilled out with broken cookies. Emma bent to scoop up the mess automatically and turned swiftly to the door.

"Hey wait a minute, girl!" Rhonda called after her. "Where’re ya going?"

"To do what I should have done in the beginning."

Emma paused in her rush towards the main entrance only once, stopping at the reception desk. She unpinned her nameplate and tossed it along with her cap and stethoscope onto the desk.

"I'm quitting," she informed the startled receptionist.

"What do you… why? What are you doing?"

"I'm joining the army," Emma grinned, saluting as she swept briskly out the door.


Sergeant McFarland stood watching as his recruits raced past, clambering over the wooden obstacles at record pace. He was proud of them. Only a few short weeks and they were shaping up quickly. Some of them were extra promising. Pity they were only basic infantry. 

“Got yourself some first-rate men out there, Sergeant,” Major Donahue stepped up to the obstacle course, nodding in approval. McFarland saluted and agreed, pointing out the two men who stayed just ahead of the others.

“Those are my best, Sir. It’s always a match race between those two when they run the course. Good potential there.”

The two men who had been pointed out were climbing the last obstacle. The man in front lost his footing for a moment, slipping back as he nearly fell, but he caught himself and pushed on. The other man had run ahead, but he caught up and they finished the sprint across the finish line almost neck and neck. 

“Very good,” Donahue nodded. “Who are they?”

“Private Stewart and Private Scott, Sir.” 

“You’d do well to put them in charge of drilling the men from time to time. Excellent experience, especially if something happens to you or your corporal in battle. They’ll know how to take over if they have to.”

“Private Stewart has drilled the men several times. He shows excellent qualities of leadership.”

“Perhaps then he’ll get a commission sometime,” Donahue smiled. “Excellent work, McFarland. Carry on.”


  1. Woah, Emma. That was a dramatic way to quit... And I do hope you at least talk to Lissie before you leave? Is that too much to ask?

    Josh's reply was so... Josh. And sweet Katie... urrgh, these boys had better make it home!!

    Why do I feel a need to stand up and applaud Ronnie? Hehe.


  2. “Not asking permission, but sure would like your blessing”…
    I feel like I’ve seen this play out once before somehowπŸ€”πŸ˜

    Okay, Josh…. Don’t go and get a big head about it, but I love you for this, I really do. That was an excellent pep talk, (especially for someone who’s seldom been that serious before, and I begin to suspect there are more layers to you than we normally see!) and I think it kinda sorta did the trick hereπŸ˜„

    πŸ₯°Ohh, you dearest of all Katie’s…

    This newly formed Infantry keeps reminding me for all the world of the Boy Scouts in Follow Me Boys…. And I do hope we get to see some of these scrapes they get into, this sounds vastly entertaining to meπŸ˜„

    😭Ohhh Lissie…. At least open and read his letters, honey, please…. You’re making yourself sick, and breaking both your hearts…😒

    Go get ‘em, Emma!!

    🀩The BEST, did he say?? Jiminy crickets… ‘Scuse me whilst I dance a highly exultant jig, and prepare myself for great things from these twoπŸ₯³ As if I wasn’t already expecting such, but seeing it in print makes it REAL!!

    1. Now that's gonna drive me nuts... What was that in?? Book or movie...???

      As for Josh, there's a good man under all that craziness and it shows through every so often πŸ˜‰ He's just got a bit more growing up to do yet... Also, he is desperate to make a good impression on our heroine here... πŸ˜‰

      There'll be a bit of the Infantry, but not much, I'm afraid. I'll be focusing on our grown-up infantry for the most part... Also random, but something I just realized today... Mickey will be twenty when the Korean war starts... I wonder what he'll do... πŸ€”

      I strongly suspect she's pulling a "return to sender" here, but I didn't write it in... Ronnie's making me very sad all of a sudden... 😒

      Oh yeah, the best. 😜 In a totally unbiased way (yes, that's sarcasm πŸ˜†), I made Ronnie and Mac the strongest. But they're both naturally leaders and also true country boys, so it fits, right? And as for Ronnie's inspiration at least, it is very true... πŸ₯΄ If there was a real-life Mac, he'd be the same way.

  3. Now I'm going crazy, too! I'm all a-flutter, wracking my brain... Where's that quote from?? 😰


  4. πŸ˜„Easy does it, you two!! I’ll give up the goods, you can rest comfortably nowπŸ˜‚ Actually I was thinking of Fiddler On The Roof, Hodel and Perchik announcing their engagement to a very dumbstruck Tevye😜 A little obscure, but that’s what it reminded me of!

    Essentially we’re peeling back layers on an onion, no?
    I think it’s workin’ (;

    How does Chris always say it? I know there’s more to it than just “Keep Listening”, but it escapes me at the moment…. Anyways.
    You can bet I will be!!


    Yes, it fits!!! And fyi, mini prediction, I’m 87% sure that Ronnie will make it to the next rank a good while before Mac…. Whose methods may be a slight bit unconventional, but they’ll work alright when he gets there (; Boy oh boy, if there be any such real life creature as a Mac, he and I had better cross paths at some point! I care not whether he be 103 or not, but it MUST HAPPEN.

    1. Lol, that's what I was thinking about the whole time,but it kept getting tangled up with Pride and Prejudice in my head and I was very muddled indeed... 😜

      Oh, good, I hope so! Josh is starting to get hard to write! And he used to be easy...

      Well, I hope you find him and I hope he's properly twenty-three and that he becomes your hopefully-someday and then you can bring him over here and introduce him to my "Ronnie" and we can see if they get along as well in real life as they do in the book 😜 There I go again with a ridiculous long sentence... πŸ˜†

    2. THAT'S WHAT IT IS! Now I can sleep in peace. 😜

      I'm blanking on what Chris says, too... Sometimes (especially on the album versions) there's no chit-chat and it just cuts straight to the next part. Which is what I like. More, please, Julie? πŸ˜‡

      Oh, if only they were real!! If Emi is hunting up Mac, and Julie knows Ronnie, does that mean I need to go find Josh? Teehee. That would go well... I already have a monkey to babysit--my seven-year-old brother! πŸ˜…


    3. Okay, this is what I get for listening to East Winds Raining whilst typing comments…. I send one, only half paying attention, and realize after that if I’d only reloaded the page, I would’ve found another! Oh wellπŸ˜†Two in a row it is, I guess!

      More room for actual episode that way, too😁
      Oh hey!!! Have either of you listened to Album 75 yet, the episode where Penny meets Dr. Trask’s sister and mom?!

      I feel like we ought to set a date X amount of years in the future, and all come back n give reports on these guys…. If they exist, if they don’t, and how everything worked out if they do😜

    4. Don't worry! More coming in a hurry! I... Ahem, we are plotting a sequel 😁 And if all goes well, there will be a third!

      Well, Ronnie very much does exist in real life, and I literally mean that πŸ˜‰ Yes please, find us a Josh!! (Does this mean he is your fave? 😜) Wouldn't it just be amazing to find all three of 'em though??!!

      Ooh, East Winds Raining, eh?? Shh... Don't tell Emi! She's under strict instructions to not listen to that, having never heard it before, and she has to wait until after I finish writing out a short story upon which I am sidetracked and which has to do with that very episode. So... No spoilers 😜

      Ohhh boy, really?? She does??!! I have got to listen, ASAP!

      Yes, absolutely. We shall 😁Keep me posted, you two, on the search for Mac and Josh! 😜

  5. πŸ˜„I wondered if you might’ve been!! Thinking of it, I mean.

    Oh boy, me tooπŸ˜‰ Maybe if we both hope hard enough… And sort of write a spin-off to go alongside the book in real life!!! They’d betterπŸ˜‚ Or we’ll (hopefully ;) have a few words with the both of ‘em!

    1. "Do you need my blessing?"
      "Well... No... But I should like to have it all the same..." πŸ˜†

      Now that would be fun 😁 Especially if Ruth finds a Josh and then we'll invite them along and he can drive the both of ours nuts πŸ˜†


    2. Sorry, that anonymous WAS meπŸ˜†
      The thingy suddenly decided not to let me be Emi anymore, and I forgot to sign…. And I’m sorrrryyyy, I totally blanked!!!
      I promise to forget all about it, honestly I do….

      Remembering this time

    3. 😜 I was wondering how Ruth was suddenly sounding like Emi.... I should pay more attention to my instinct πŸ˜†

      Eh, not a big deal 😜 At least you enjoyed it, right? One of my fave episodes!

  6. Urrrm, I can't decide which one is my favorite! In real life it would probably be Ronnie, but Josh is just too much fun. If I find him, I'll let you know. 😜

    Oh, East Winds, Raining is my brother's fave! He used to quote it all the time...

    And I haven't listened to any of album 75 yet, but have either of you listened to the podcast concerning Eugene?! I think I'm still in shock from that!


  7. I’ll be keeping an eye out myselfπŸ˜‰πŸ˜„

    I can’t believe I’d never heard it before this! It’s AMAZING😜

    Yes!!!! And I tell you, it threw me for such a loop….
    Even before I listened to it that far in, I was like, why is Townsend Coleman on the cover of something that clearly belongs to Eugene?? And oh, you should have seen my face when I found out…. Just dumbstruck. I still am, truth be told.

    And now it decides I get to be me again…. This thing is difficult!


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