
 Western Novels

I love the Old West. Cowboys, gunslingers, cattle rustlers, sheriffs, the pony express... The John Wayne style Old West.

Following are some of my own takes on the Old West...

(This page is a work in progress... novels will be up and running soon. Check back within the next couple of days! Follow this blog to get updates.)

A Shadow on the Plains


In the background of a rising and growing new country, the shadows of the Pony Express fly over the plains. Nobody really knows who they are, nobody really seems to care. They are nothing more than a nameless link from the East to the West. They defy death daily, braving terrible dangers... rushing rivers, craggy mountain passes, icy blizzards, stifling heat, savage beasts, unfriendly natives. It is a thankless job. But one young woman notices the shadow on the plains... and wonders about the man behind the glorious facade of the Pony Express.


Click Here For Story


When a tragic accident leaves Lorna McAllister alone in the world, she finds she has no choice but to leave and start over again. And so, she regretfully makes the journey from her home in Scotland to faraway America in 1870, hoping to take up a teaching position in New York or the surrounding area. When she arrives, she finds that the only available position is over a thousand miles away... in the wild Dakota territories. As she begins on this journey of a lifetime, a chance meeting with an outlaw leads to a series of events that force her to cling to her last shred of strength and courage... and meet her future boldly.


  1. Ahh, now I’ve done it. I officially got my sister hooked on your stories too! She said to tell you that you write like the real deal, and she can’t wait to read the rest of it. And coming from a girl who’s read practically every Louis L’amour book there is, that’s a major compliment, lemme tell ya.

    1. Wow! I am honored 😄 I doubt I can compare to Louis L'amour, but I am thrilled that she likes them so much!! And here's good news, tell your sister that Boldly is officially finished and I'll finish posting it ASAP. Hopefully she continues to enjoy!

    2. Ooh, Congratulations!! Good work, and I can’t wait to tell her😄

  2. It’s Emily, btw. Under anonymous because A. I forgot, and B. when I finally remembered my phone wouldn’t let me change it. Ahh well.

    1. Ah, don't worry about it. I knew it was you 😄 Like I said, comments are pretty scarce around here!


Blessed are they who comment, for they shall receive more chapters!