TDTLBU Chapter Twenty-One

December eighth, 1941. The United States declared war on Japan. 

December eleventh, 1941. Germany declared war on the United States.

Great Britain and France rejoiced. This was what they had been waiting for from the moment war spread its dark shadow over their lands. All over Europe, weary troops and civilians alike cheered on their new comrades in battle. And in Japan, the admiral of the Japanese naval forces realized their great mistake.

"I fear," he announced solemnly. "That we have only succeeded in waking the sleeping tiger."

Now America flew into action with a vengeance. An untold number of men were needed.. young, strong, healthy, and eager to fight. And women were needed to keep the fires of home burning. Nurses to care for the wounded. Workers to keep the factories running. Food and uniforms and supplies to feed and clothe and supply the largest army the world has ever known.

And all over the country… in cities, in towns, in villages and on farms, the people gathered around the radio to listen and to wait. The news changed by the hour. And by the time the second declaration of war was made final, on December the eleventh, boys and men everywhere had begun preparing to go to war.


"I just can't believe it " Myra stared at the radio as the words slowly sank into her mind. She and Rob hadn't stirred from the living room since the news had first come through, several hours ago. They were calling for recruits now, on every station on the radio. And Myra was afraid.

"We've known this was coming for a long time," Rob spoke quietly. "Ever since war broke out in Europe. We just tried not to think about it, I guess."

"I fear to think what this will mean for…" Myra bit her lip. "He's only nineteen, Rob! Only nineteen… he… he's just a boy!"

"And I was eighteen when I went," Rob lapsed into silence. The back door opened and Josh stepped in, wiping his hands on his jeans. Myra looked up at him, her eyes filled with the helpless longing of a frightened mother, even as she tried to scold him.

"I've told you a hundred times, Josh. Wash your hands, please. You'll ruin your jeans with all that grease."

"Sorry," he answered absently, making no attempt to move towards the sink. "You heard the news?"

It was more of a statement than a question. Rob nodded.

"What are you planning on doing, Son?"

"Oh, Rob!" Myra cried out reproachfully. 

"I don't know." Josh grabbed a chair from the corner, turning it round to straddle it backwards and fold his arms over the back. Myra opened her mouth and closed it again without saying anything. 

"Been thinking about it," he continued, resting his chin on his arms. "Ever since we first got news about the bombing. They'll be looking for men to enlist." He sighed, frowning. The silence lengthened, everyone almost afraid to speak. Slowly Josh stood, sliding the chair back. He had wanted this for a long time. Why... why was it suddenly so hard to say it? Myra's eyes... Staring fixedly at him... Filled with tears... He's rather face enemy bullets.

"Mom, Dad… I hate to say it… but… I think I should go."

Myra had been holding her breath and now she let it out in a shuddering sigh. Rob bent his head, staring at his hands in silence.

"Are you sure, Joshua?" It was the first time in years he had called him Joshua. His voice was husky but he spoke calmly. Josh nodded.

"You want to go."


"Then… I'm proud of you, Son." His eyes met Josh's, serious and yet full of pride. He nodded, slowly, pressing his lips together as his brow furrowed. Josh turned hesitantly to Myra who sat still and pale as a marble statue, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. He didn't notice her hands shaking.

"Mom?" It was almost an entreaty. She lifted her face, fighting for composure.

"I just… I just need some time, Josh." 

He nodded, but never had a chance to answer. Ronnie stuck his head through the front door, formalities of knocking forgotten.

"Sorry to barge in," he was breathing hard as if he had run all the way. "Just wanted to let you know, Josh. They've opened up a recruiting office, down at the courthouse. I'm heading over there now."

"Lemme grab my coat and I'll go with you."  


Josh and Ronnie left late in the afternoon, but evening passed and night fell without their return. Myra fretted and paced the living room, just as nervous as if they were already in combat. Strange that it would take them so long, if they were only just going into Jefferson. It was long after suppertime had come and gone when Emma came running up to the house, knocking breathlessly on the door.

“Emma!” Myra cried as she swung the door open. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong… just… let me catch my breath…” she leaned against the doorframe, breathing hard. “Sorry… didn’t mean to scare you,” she laughed. “I just thought I’d better hurry so you wouldn’t worry. I was just down at the general store… Scout had just called there and left a message for you. I told Mr. Pfeiffer I’d take it down to you so he wouldn’t have to send Nate over.”

“Where is he?” Myra’s forehead was lined with worry. “It’s not like him to be out so late…”

“Oh, he and Ronnie are over in North Bloomfield. Took the train first to Concord and then over there, they said they’ll be home around midnight and not to wait up for them.”

“But why? What on earth are they doing in North Bloomfield?”

“Seems they wouldn’t let Ronnie enlist here in Jefferson, on account of his eyesight,” Emma shrugged. “He thought he’d try his luck in another town and Josh went along so they could enlist together. North Bloomfield accepted him. They…” she laughed nervously, pressing her hands against her face. “They’re soldiers now, I guess.”

1 comment:

  1. That last line just sums everything up. "They're soldiers now, I guess." Alllll the emoootionssss...


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