The Lady of My Choosing Prologue


    The Lady Caroline de Montague was fourteen years old the day the summons came for her from the royal palace. That the summons came was nothing in itself remarkable, for she was the niece of the King himself and often was escorted up the royal hill and through the high gates of the palace. But this time was different in that she was being called upon to become a Lady in waiting to the queen herself. This, in part, was owing to the fact that her mother, the Lady Margaret de Montague had passed during the winter. Her aunt, the Queen, had informed her that such a summons would not be long in coming and so the young Lady Caroline was not in the least surprised.

    And so, accompanied by the required retinue of bodyguards that hardly seemed necessary as it was such a short distance, the newly-honored Lady made her journey from her home at the Montague castle to the royal palace of the King and Queen of Euphrania. Although it would have been more protocolligorically correct to arrive in a proper carriage, Caroline insisted on traveling horseback. She most certainly would not go without Regina, her little dapple-grey mare and what better way to take her favourite mount but to ride her there? So it was that, half an hour after her departure from home, the Lady Caroline, clad in her richly-embroidered riding habit of red velvet, rode through the gates of the palace and reined her little mare to a halt before the entrance. The servants had turned out to properly receive her and a young man came to assist her in dismounting and take her horse. Caroline was feeling rather reckless that day in the thrill of a new life and so she did something rather shocking for a lady in her position. She spoke to the young man who stood, holding Regina.

    "Are there many horses in the royal stables?" she asked, and then wished she hadn't. It was, after all, a rather foolish question. But she had so wanted to say something, and it was the first thing that had popped into her head. He smiled and it was such a beautiful smile that it warmed her heart and made her forget her foolishness.

    "Yes, milady." he answered, his blue eyes twinkling. "Many horses, indeed. All at your disposal, milady. Although, this is such a pretty mare that you probably will not be requiring a new mount."

    "Yes, she is a pretty creature, is she not?" Caroline smiled back, ignoring the Chamberlain who stood prepared to greet her and not quite certain what to think of this highly improper conversation. "I call her Regina. What is your name?"

    "John, milady."

    "You can call me Caroline, John. I would rather not be called 'milady'."

    It is not quite certain what John would have replied to this rather unsettling remark if the Chamberlain would not have interrupted at that point, offering Lady Caroline his arm and sweeping her up the steps and into the palace. But just before she passed through the doors, Caroline glanced back and noticed him still standing there, smiling at her with such a curious look in his eyes.

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